The Second Batch of the China-Indonesia Joint International Program for Master's Degree in Materials Science and Metallurgical Technology held a mid-term exchange meeting on research topics at GEM Jingmen Park
Publish Date:2024-07-07 Hits:107

On July 7, 2024, the Mid-term Exchange Meeting of the 2nd batch of China-Indonesia Joint Master of Engineering Program in Materials Science and Metallurgical Technology (hereinafter referred to as "Exchange Meeting") was held at GEM Jingmen Park. Academician Sun Xueliang, academician of Royal Canadian Academy of Sciences and Academy of Engineering, foreign academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, chief scientist of GEM, Prof. LiuHui, vice dean of the School of Metallurgy and Environment of Central South University, Prof. Liu Jianhong of Shenzhen University, Prof. Xu Kaihua, Chairman of GEM, and Leaders of GEM's Central Research Institute, raw material system, and material system were invited to attend the meeting as experts.A total of 25 students of the 2nd batch of China-Indonesia Cooperation Master of Engineering in Materials Science and Metallurgical Technology (hereinafter referred to as the "2nd batch of China-Indonesia Master of Engineering International Class") participated in this exchange meeting. A total of 25 students of the 2nd batch of China-Indonesia Cooperation Master of Engineering in Materials Science and Metallurgical Technology (hereinafter referred to as the "2nd batch of China-Indonesia Master of Engineering International Class") participated in this exchange meeting.

The research projects of the 2nd batch of China-Indonesia joint International Class of students cover the entire value chain of the new energy life cycle, including mineral processing, cathode material precursors, resource recycling, and environmental management. During the exchange meeting, experts analyzed each student's midterm report in depth and provided constructive comments and suggestions. Academician Sun Xueliang recognized the mid-term exchange meeting and considered that the students had learned to do research and the research results had reached the standard of mid-term reports. Professor LiuHuipointed out in his report comments that the subject matter covers relevant areas, and we should make full use of the advantages of resources and experience that GEM has, and learn from experts, so that we can do better research! Professor Liu Jianhong encouraged the students to seize the opportunity, work hard and contribute to the future development of global new energy business.

At the end of the meeting, Prof. Xu Kaihua, Chairman of GEM, taught the students to combine technology, cost, and environmentally friendly factors in their research, as well as combine their research topics with Indonesia's national development. He also had high hopes for the second batch of China-Indonesia International Master Class students and motivated them to work together to promote the construction of the "The Golden Indonesia 2045" vision. Study metallurgy, perfect eco-friendly materials, and pursue the dream of new energy!

In this exchange, there are three first prizes, four second prizes, and seven third prizes awarded.

Mid-term exchange meeting of the Second batch of China-Indonesia Joint Program of International Class Master of Engineering in Materials Science and Metallurgical Technology for Research Topics

Academician Sun Xueliang, member of the Royal Canadian Academy of Sciences and Academy of Engineering, foreign academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and chief scientist of GEM gave his comments

Prof. Liu Hui, Vice Dean of School of Metallurgy and Environment, Central South University gave his comments

Prof. Liu Jianhong from Shenzhen University gave his comments

Prof. Xu Kaihua, Chairman of GEM delivered a speech

Viola Pongajow, 2nd batch of China-Indonesia International Master's Program student, gave a midterm report on her research

Group photo of evaluation experts and international students


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