GEM Electrolytic Nickel Successfully Listed on the Shanghai Futures Exchange (SHFE)
Publish Date:2024-06-19 Hits:152

On June 17, 2024, Electrolytic Nickel GEM (Electrowinning process, Ni99.96) produced by Jingmen GEM Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of GEM, was successfully listed on the Shanghai Futures Exchange (SFE), with a registered production capacity of 30,000 tons. A further milestone follows the successful listing of GEM-NI1 and GEM-NI2 in November 2023 on the London Metal Exchange (LME).

The LME is the world's largest non-ferrous metals trading hub, trading a wide range of metals such as copper, aluminum, lead, zinc, nickel, and aluminum alloys, among others. The official prices published daily are widely applied by the industry as the basis for pricing physical metal contracts, and price movements and inventories have a significant impact on global non-ferrous metal production and sales.

Shanghai Futures Exchange is one of the four authoritative exchanges in China, which has strict requirements regarding product quality, enterprise management level, and product market recognition for listed shipping brands. The exchange has highly available and high-performance computer-based trading, settlement, and risk control systems, and with the help of large-capacity fiber optics, data lines, and other communication technologies, it ensures real-time, efficient, secure, and reliable remote trading.

The electrolytic nickel process of the GEM brand adopts the MHP process, which is a High-pressure Acid Leaching (HPAL) oflateritenickelores extraction technology pioneered by the company and independently designed and operated by the company. The whole process from MHP raw materials to electrolytic nickel products reflects the concept of low-carbon sustainable development and environmental protection.

GEM Electrolytic Nickel (Electrowinning process, Ni99.96) was successfully listed on the Shanghai Futures Exchange

GEM Electrolytic Nickel Brand GEM-NI1 Successfully Listed on the London Metal Exchange

GEM Electrolytic Nickel Brand GEM-NI2 Successfully Listed on the London Metal Exchange


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